Social responsibility

We care about patients
Our goal is to enable patients to participate in society independently for as long as possible. Mediq wants to help people live their lives to their fullest potential. We want to improve patients' health by helping them to cope better with chronic or accidental illnesses. We feel responsible for delivering safe products. The following measures have been put in place to ensure quality and safety: compliance with laws and regulations, internal guidelines and external certification systems, and evaluation of suppliers to ensure quality and prevent counterfeiting.

Good working environment
At the heart of Mediq are our employees who secure and improve the future every day. We strive to create a work environment where employees feel challenged, where they can develop their skills and competencies and be successful. The following points are important in our human resources policy: diversity of people, recruitment and retention of workers, the involvement of workers in processes, development of workers, and the health and safety of our workers.

Minimizing environmental impact
Logistics is the core of our company. We are looking for ways to contribute to saving the environment. Although our own activities have a relatively small impact on the environment, we are aware of opportunities to reduce our impact on the environment. The goods we buy are delivered in Mediq packaging, which we often unpack and repack. Our marketing activities are also aimed at the utilization of repackaging waste. A significant amount of the waste we produce, such as paper and cardboard, is suitable for recycling. Our goal is to increase the share of waste suitable for recovery and thereby contribute to saving the environment.